South African tenants are in a better financial position than at the end of 2022 despite high-interest rates and inflation – great news for rental agents and landlords who rely on timely rent payments....
South African tenants are in a better financial position than at the end of 2022 despite high-interest rates and inflation – great news for rental agents and landlords who rely on timely rent payments....
Homeowners in South Africa are under pressure despite the recent pause in interest rate hikes, leading to many homeowners selling up or renting out their homes and moving into smaller rental properties....
Moving into a rental is almost always regarded as a temporary arrangement, which often means that the tenant doesn’t pay too much attention to the ins and outs of the agreement and then gets caught off-guard when something goes wrong....
Tenants often feel rushed into signing rental property lease agreements for fear of losing out to rival candidates. In the Western Cape, currently, the most expensive province in which to rent, rental properties are snapped up in a matter of days by up-country residents looking to semi-grate to the coast region....
What is the difference between a buyer's market and a seller's market? Can you really time the property market? We take a look at these terms and how they affect you. There are two main ways to describe the condition of the property market, namely whether it is a seller’s market or a buyer’s market - and they have different implications for those looking to buy or even rent a property....
Buying a home is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. When deciding whether to buy a home or whether you should rent, it's essential to evaluate all the pros and cons of both options before you make your decision. But before you can think about making a huge financial decision, you need to know whether or not you are ready to buy a home....
Apartments are among the most popular rental properties and offer excellent opportunities to build your wealth. They are often ideal for young property investors, but Samuel Seeff warns that property buyers should know that purchasing property to live in compared to property to let are two very different sides to the coin....
In the real estate world, there is a substantial difference between an investor and a home buyer. The criteria by which the property will be judged will differ vastly depending on how the buyer intends to use the property. Adrian Goslett, says that it is important for buyers to establish their intentions for the home upfront before they start the house hunting process....
It’s easy for property investors, particularly those new to the industry, to be swayed by the rental amount the property is likely to generate on a monthly basis. And while the monthly rental is certainly an important factor, the seasoned investor tends to look beyond the rental yield and rather takes a more long-term approach by focusing on the property’s potential capital growth over a set period of...
It is not uncommon for a rental property owner or landlord to decide to put the property up for sale. The question then arises as to what happens to the tenant. While it is usually advisable that landlords or property owners wait until the end of the lease before they sell the property, that is not always possible....