
Living Off-Grid: Tips for a More Self-Sufficient Home

Although the quintessential notion of off-grid living typically involves a simpler rural lifestyle, there are numerous methods to achieve greater self-sufficiency even within an urban setting. Although it might not be possible for everyone to be completely self-sustainable, there are multiple reasons to attempt to adopt this lifestyle as far as possible. To start, the environmental benefits that...

Make these property resolutions in 2023

Unsurprisingly, weight loss, improved self-care, doing more exercise, and saving money are among the most common new year’s resolutions people make. And while there’s certainly nothing wrong with any of those, how about including resolutions for your property? “Property is a significant investment and one that bears looking after and setting ‘goals’ for how you manage and look after that...

This is how load shedding has changed the way we work, live, and play

We survived masks and lockdown restrictions during the pandemic, only to be confronted by a new challenge: load shedding. With Eskom’s aging infrastructure and the slow pace of the transition to renewable energy alternatives, load shedding is likely to become more frequent in the foreseeable future, and it will continue to affect the way we work, live, and play....

4 Ways to spot the perfect fixer-upper

You have found the perfect fixer-upper - imagining what a room could look like with a fresh coat of paint and some upgrades. For many home buyers, this is an enticing scenario, and the plethora of home renovation shows and social media posts has romanticized the process of turning an old home into the perfect space even more. The reality, however, is that if you walk into buying a fixer-upper blindly, it...

Tired of load shedding? Get your home ready for solar

From 1 July, you will be paying upwards of 15% more for your electricity, as municipal tariff increases kick in. Yet energy experts have cautioned that, without urgent intervention from the government and others, we will see load shedding intensify with Stages 6, 8, and even 10 a likelihood. Understandably, homeowners are considering alternative ways to keep the lights on....

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